Welcome to the ISP blog. My goal with this blog is simple, educate, inform, and empower you as the reader to be better. If you’re a patient/client this is here to give you the tools to take a step in the right direction or at least know what you should be looking for in a healthcare provider or fitness trainer. If you are another provider or a fitness instructor this is an invite to learn and teach. I am a big believer in constantly learning, which means others may think differently or have learned something that doesn’t follow what I believe. I encourage and promote open dialogue on these topics. As I stated before, the ultimate goal is to BE BETTER.A little info on myself. I’m a former college baseball player and competitive powerlifter who is now the owner and Chiropractic physician/ Performance coach at Iowa Spine and Performance. My passion is treating and training rotational athletes, active adults, and chronic pain patients. I take a functional approach to my rehab and training. On the clinical side, my core pillars are Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, Motion Palpation Institute, and Mckenzie Methods.I take an evidence informed approach to my care and training. Most of my content presented comes from a collaboration from my mentors, peers, and research in these areas. I am no spelling bee champion so please excuse the grammatical errors along the way. DISCLAIMER: The internet, and the rehab/strength and conditioning can be the wild west out there, so that being said, this is not intended for medical advice. PLEASE seek consultation from a healthcare professional/or fitness instructor prior to starting and physical exercise or rehab. Again this blog is here to better us all. Let’s BE BETTER together!
Dr. Michael Henrichs
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